Let us put our 25 years of sustainable living to work for you.


Imagine, for just a moment, that Climate Change was solved. All the horrible forecasts you’ve seen have been avoided – the icebergs didn’t melt, the temperatures did not go up, and global Carbon Dioxide is no longer a problem. What would that be like?

Pretty amazing, huh?

Here at Chief of Green, we know we would be free to do something that is not currently a priority. Maybe we’d figure out pet / human interspecies translation communication. Maybe flying cars. Maybe, we’d just sit on the couch and take long naps.

Unfortunately, though, that is not where we are. Climate Change is not solved – our society know the causes, the solutions, costs, benefits and how to implement them. Despite all this knowledge, Climate Change is still a top problem globally – the #1 threat to humanity.

So, how do we get to that other future we asked you to imagine, where Climate Change has been resolved?

By learning to live without fossil fuel, and showing others that oil is optional.

By taking individual actions – now, today – in mass.

This is where Chief of Green comes in. We help you to live being Freed From Fossil Fuel™ – whatever that means to you.

Chief of Green’s sustainable living experts are trained in looking at the whole, big picture – and can help you:

    • Get really clear on why you even want to live sustainably, what’s holding you back, and help you turn any obstacles into stepping stones on your journey to freedom
    • Find the best solutions for your situation, while distinguishing between real and “greenwashing” options. Big or small – cheap or expensive – as long as it is climate-effective, we’ll help you do it.
    • Reduce your stress. We are not doctors, but in our experience, stress is generally caused by a lack of action. Chief of Green coaching sessions get you naturally off the couch, and into the game. Taking action helps to reduce stress.
    • Do cost-benefit analyses on actions you think of or we suggest
    • Find out about incentives: local, state, national, etc. – financial and otherwise
    • Save money
    • Do all the research, at no additional cost to you, if you happen to think of something we haven’t already done – which saves you time, and gives us more info to help the next person

In short, let us put our 25 years of sustainable living to work for you. Let us save you time, money, and hassle so you don’t have to reinvent the wheel – while being faster, and more effective than we were.


“Sustainability is the ability to live today without messing up tomorrow.”

– Scott Phillips, Chief of Green Founder

Try holding your breath…

“If you really think that the environment is less important than the economy, try holding your breath while you count your money.”

– Guy McPherson

Your grandkid’s grandkid’s will judge your generation…

“Your grandkid’s grandkid’s will judge your generation, not by your reliance on Oil, but by how quickly you got away from it.” –

Scott Phillips, Chief of Green Founder

Therefore a curse devours the earth…

“The earth lies polluted under its inhabitants; for they have transgressed laws, violated the statutes, broken the everlasting covenant. Therefore a curse devours the earth, and its inhabitants suffer for their guilt.”

– Bible, Isaiah 24:5-6

Climate Anxiety can be solved…

“There is a new clinical diagnostic term arising: Climate Anxiety, and it is primarily caused by the belief that Climate Change is unsolvable. Action, even small action, is the best solution for this condition.”

– Scott Phillips, Chief of Green Founder

Our planet is a lonely speck…

“Our planet is a lonely speck in the great enveloping cosmic dark. In our obscurity, in all this vastness, there is no hint that help will come from elsewhere to save us from ourselves.”

– Carl Sagan

The rest of what follows may surprise you. After that initial jolt, if you really pay attention, we know reading this will clear things up about living sustainably for you. This page can also be the first step in your sustainability journey.

You have to know where you are, before you can get to where you want to go.

Our bottom line: Solving Climate Change is possible. Living Freed From Fossil Fuel has been done before, and can be again.  Chief of Green is helping people learn how to free themselves.

Surprise 1: Chief of Green is not fighting for the Polar Bears, Penguins, Killer Whales, or any other typical naturalist icon.
Why?  Quite frankly, most of those fights have been lost.

Also, having people fight for other species has MADE NO DIFFERENCE in the Climate Change / Sustainability conversation.

Each year our species uses more Carbon Dioxide producing chemicals than the year before.  Every year our planet gets hotter. Every year more diseases arise.

Pointing to the polar bear (or another animal) and saying, “Save them!” does not actually work.

Surprise 2: Chief of Green is not saving the planet.

If humans disappeared tomorrow, the planet would thrive.

You’ve already seen evidence of that – think about that abandoned park, building, or business near you.  How long does it stay in the exact same condition without humans mowing the grass, fixing walls, or doing other maintenance items?

Maybe years, probably a matter of weeks.

Sure, it might take a little longer on a global scale. But our best guesses show that within 200-300 years Earth would be basically back to normal pre-1900 shape.

Surprise 3: The world’s governments are NOT coming to help.

Despite recent headlines, and the IRA being passed in 2023, these are exceptions. Americans have been waiting on their Federal Government to act on Climate Change since at least 1992.

Clinton goes into the White House, gets small progress accomplished, and then Bush comes in and undoes everything. He even manages to make federal climate policy worse than before Clinton. Obama comes in, and makes small progress. Trump comes in and gets it all undone again.  Biden steps up and gets some small progress….over and over and over.

How many times are we going to watch this cycle before acknowledging the underlying truth?  The world’s governments are NOT going to save us.  Hoping and praying they will is going to get us…exactly where we are. Time is running out to keep the planet below 2 degrees Celsius – and the world is waiting for everyone else to act.

Surprise 4: SURPRISES 1-3 ARE VERY GOOD NEWS. It means we can finally deal with the real problem: human behavior.
If your behavior has been (partially) responsible for Climate Change, then your behavior is a partial solution.

This is where Chief of Green LLC comes in.  Our process gets you clear on why you want to act, what actions you want (and can) take, and leaves you taking those actions.  You walk away from Session 1 with a real plan, and having already taken at least 1 action. Session 2 and beyond are about supporting you in sticking to the plan, updating it, and opening up new actions.



Chief of Green sets up one-on-one coaching sessions via Zoom with environmental impact reducing experts who are highly trained in listening, communication, goal setting, game planning, and project management.  Oh, yeah – almost forgot – they’ve also got 25 years of real world, on the court sustainability experience.

Our coaches help you to get in action immediately, and avoid the pitfalls they worked through. We work with you to save you time, money, effort, and frustration while seeing immediate results.

How does Chief of Green accomplish these amazing, fast outcomes?





Chief of Green has a 7-step process:

  • Get to the heart of WHY you even care about being sustainable, or working with us
  • Look at reasons you have not already been playing like your life depended on it to get a smaller footprint
  • Create ways for you to overcome these obstacles
  • Find out what you have already done to lower your environmental impacts
  • Create a list of actions YOU COULD TAKE – no commitments at this stage. This is just brainstorming.
  • Narrow those down to actions YOU WILL TAKE. This is the commitment stage.
  • You take 1 of those actions on our first call, which inspires you to take others.
  • Our follow-up sessions focus on progress since the last call, new actions you see, and keeping your planned timeline on track.

If you’re tired of being stressed out, wasting your time, wishing you had done more, and throwing good money after bad – get off the rollercoaster. Contact us to set up your first coaching session.




Phone: (302) 307-2402
Email: [email protected]